JOHN DICKSON, EDINBURGH, BLE, 2 3/4", Best quality sleeving done by the gunmaker Allan Crewe from Purdey's. 28", choked IC/IMod. 15 1/2" highly figured wood to leather covered pad. It is worth noting the checkering and finish on the gun are top drawer. Action retains light to moderate case colors and it is not suprising the gun is accented with beaded fences, fine English scroll and a true hidden third fastener - a quality gun indeed. 6lbs 9oz. Sure to impress in and out of the field. Cased.

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Hill Rod & Gun Company

The Bozeman Hotel
321 East Main Street,  Suite 422
Bozeman, Montana  59715
United States of America
Phone: (406) 585-2228  
Fax: (406) 585-2212

Copyright 2025 Hill Rod & Gun Co.