CHARLES LANCASTER, LONDON, BLNE, cir. 1892, 2 1/2",30" black powder proofed Damascus - perfect bores and stunning Damascus pattern choked Sk1/IC. 14 1/8" highly figured wood to grooved butt. Action built on the Beesley patent #425. Retains strong original case colors with heart warming delicate grape vine engraving beaded fences and a long slender toplever. Admire the period game counter inlaid into the comb of the stock. It was a patent taken out by Henry Thorn in 1887. He wrote under his famous pseudonym, 'Charles Lancaster' in early additions of The Art of Shooting. Outstanding balance and feel - 6lbs 6oz. In vintage case with makers lable. Classic Beasley patented, Lancaster, flat spring boxlock in outstanding condition. Great collector piece.

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The Bozeman Hotel
321 East Main Street,  Suite 422
Bozeman, Montana  59715
United States of America
Phone: (406) 585-2228  
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