TC MARTIN, MANCHESTER, BLNE, 2 1/2", Sir Whitworth fluid pressed steel, 28" SK1/Full concave file matte rib. 15" well figured wood to checkered butt - this includes 1 1/8" wood stock extension. This stunning action has carved fences and is masterfully engrave paying particular attention to the use of negative space. The forend iron is unique made and adds yet another layer of class. Magnificent in the hands and tips the scales at a dainty 6lbs. 4oz. Simply lovely and ships as an antique.

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Hill Rod & Gun Company

The Bozeman Hotel
321 East Main Street,  Suite 422
Bozeman, Montana  59715
United States of America
Phone: (406) 585-2228  
Fax: (406) 585-2212

Copyright 2025 Hill Rod & Gun Co.